
£2.1bn road infrastructure investment plan announced


Roads across the Highlands are set to benefit after Highland Council outlined its £2.1 billion 20-year investment plan in the region.

Credit :Nagy Szabi / Unsplash

The investment will add significant capital on top of the existing and additional new commitments of £50 million for roads and transport infrastructure agreed as part of the 2024 budget setting process.

Road and infrastructure will see £63.4 million in improvements over the next three years with an additional £287 million investment to sustain roads and transport infrastructure over 20 years, pending council agreement as part of budget setting from 2027 onwards.

Also to receive additional funding: Roads, Bridges, Street Lighting, Fleet, Plant, Equipment, and other infrastructure including Flood Prevention, Piers, and Harbours.

The Highlands is starting to see infrastructure improvements elsewhere as Balfour Beatty was selected last month to deliver the first phase of a major piece of electricity network infrastructure, valued at £690 million.

Council leader Raymond Bremner said: “The planned investment will help to address the on-going challenges we face in maintaining over 4000 miles of Highland roads and sustaining rural communities. 

A long-term investment programme for roads and transportation will ensure a sustainable approach to investment, contractor procurement, and opportunities to attract match funding from developer contributions or other external funding sources.

“There will also be significant local contracting and business opportunities and wider community economic benefit associated with the delivery of the Investment Plan.

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