
Ballymore JV gets green light for Stratford Waterfront


London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) and Ballymore have been awarded planning consent to deliver 700 new homes neighbouring East Bank, Stratford.

Credit: ballymore

Howells, O’Donnell+Tuomey and LDA Design designed Stratford Waterfront which comprises four residential buildings of up to 27 storeys.

The development will be within Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and include 1,750 sqm of commercial space, plus more than 4,000 sqm of public open space.

Construction is expected to start Spring 2026, with completion anticipated for late 2029.

A planned 35 per cent of homes will be affordable, with a 50 per cent total when combined with their second site, Bridgewater Triangle, as well as Pudding Mill Lane and Rick Roberts Way.

O’Donnell+Tuomey designed the northernmost part of the site, the ‘prow’.

The architectural practice previously designed the neighbouring V&A East and Sadler’s Wells East.

Howells designed three mid-block buildings of the project, which has been crafted with sustainability in mind.


  • Gym
  • Concierge
  • Co-working spaces
  • Podium play areas

Rosanna Lawes, executive director of development at LLDC, said: “As East Bank, one of the country’s largest cultural and education districts, nears completion it is exciting to move onto the next phase of development.

Areta Soare, director at Howells, said: “Situated on a constrained site, we have worked closely with clients and collaborators throughout to ensure this scheme represents high-quality designed and crafted homes for this prominent location.”

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