
Laing ORourke brings in Volker teams for grid delivery


Laing O’Rourke has appointed VolkerTrenchless Solutions and VolkerFitzpatrick as discipline specialists in the delivery of the National Grid Partnership (NGP).

Credit: VolkerWessels UK

The integrated team comprises seven specialists selected for their experience of delivering transmission projects.

The partnership programme forms part of a supply chain framework which will support infrastructure projects up to 2030 and beyond.

In the partnership: An AECOM-Arup joint venture and WSP are heading up design and consenting services as well as five construction partners: Laing O’Rourke, Morgan Sindall Infrastructure, Morrison Energy Services, Murphy and Omexom / Taylor Woodrow (OTW).

VolkerTrenchless Solutions and VolkerFitzpatrick  will deliver a range of civils work, including enabling works, trenching, ducting and horizontal directional drilling.

Richard Offord, CEO of VolkerWessels UK, said: “Building on our longstanding relationship with Laing O’Rourke, I am delighted they have chosen VolkerFitzpatrick, and VolkerTrenchless Solutions as Discipline Specialists within their Integrated Delivery Team as part of the Great Grid Partnership.”

The aim of the partnership is to coordinate the planning and execution of projects and to allow suppliers and National Grid to pool their resources.

They hope it will result in faster and more economical delivery as well as value for money and local community benefit.

President of UK strategic infrastructure at National Grid, Carl Trowell, said: “By sharing best practice and collaborating across nine of our critical major ASTI infrastructure projects, we will set the gold-standard for future infrastructure projects in terms of driving innovation, shoring up capacity across the skills base, operating responsibly and sustainably and ultimately in getting the best value for consumers.”

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