
Nuclear power plant to rival Sizewell C announced for UK


The government has announced its intention to build the UK’s third major nuclear power station at a coastal site in North Wales. 

Wylfa on Anglesey has been earmarked as the UK Government’s first choice for a large-scale gigawatt nuclear facility, similar in scale to Hinkley in Somerset and Sizewell C in Suffolk. 

Nuclear energy company, Great British Nuclear (GBN), agreed to purchase the Wylfa site from Hitachi earlier this year for £160 million, according to the BBC.  

A site in Oldbury-on-Severn in Gloucestershire was also under consideration.   

GBN, which is owned by the UK Government, provides funding to firms as part of a drive to rapidly expand a programme of small modular reactor (SMR) projects across the country.   

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) said it will commence talks with global energy firms to explore building the new power plant, which could power around 6 million homes for 60 years. 

The government wants to ensure up to a quarter of the UK’s electricity is from ‘homegrown nuclear energy’ by 2050, as well as quadruple nuclear capacity by up to 24GW by the same date. 

It said the Wylfa site is ideal for the new facility, given its proximity to cooling water and nuclear heritage. 

Sizewell C
Sizewell C. Image credit: GOV.UK, via Wikimedia Commons.

Gwen Parry-Jones, CEO of GBN, said: “Having agreed to purchase the Wylfa site earlier this year, GBN looks forward to working with the government on the market engagement programme for large scale gigawatt providers and also delivering this vital project in the years to come.” 

Secretary of state for energy security and net zero, Claire Coutinho, said: “We are powering ahead with the biggest expansion of nuclear energy in 70 years. 

“Anglesey has a proud nuclear history and it is only right that, once again, it can play a central role in boosting the UK’s energy security. 

“Wylfa would not only bring clean, reliable power to millions of homes – it could create thousands of well-paid jobs and bring investment to the local area.” 

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