
Critical Skills for Resillience in the Workplace


Resilience was a hot topic during COVID-19. It was something that we always spoke about before the pandemic but we never really felt the full impact of it. For the construction industry resilience is as important as ever. New research has been conducted by the resilience institute global and has revealed the top five success factors that are shown by the most resilient people. 23,990 professionals took place and the study was run between 2019 and 2022.

What Are The Top Five Critical Skills for Resilience?

The 2022 global resilience report covered over 60 factors of resilience. It was undertaken to help companies and leaders develop their people, create strategies, and mitigate the risk of disruption. It will also help with talent loss and volatility shown in the workplace.

After 3 years the study showed that there were five critical factors that were shown by highly resilient individuals.

  • Sleep
  • Fulfillment
  • Bounce
  • Relaxation
  • Focus,


The institute founder, Doctors Van Hansen said that sleep is a leading factor to promote resilience, well-being and excellent mental health. Those that went through the resilience and training program experienced an increase of 25% in sleep quality during the study. This helps them, in the long run, become more resilient.


Talent is leaving organisations at a rate that we’ve never seen before. And it’s accelerating. Millions of professionals and employees are using the pandemic as a good reason to look at what they find important in their life and making choices. If you’re working for an organisation that has a clearly articulated purpose and knows what the impact is, then you’re more likely to retain staff. The construction industry has typically struggled with branding itself in terms of its purpose. Those organisations that spend more time on this will have success retaining resilient individuals in the future.


In the study, they have declared that bounce is the foundation of resilience. Bounce is defined as the ability to recover quickly after dealing with any disruption or change that throws you off balance. At the end of the study, professionals were equipped with more bounce – up to 53%. This was also coupled with significant gains and well-being.

The Ability to Relax

When you relax, you’re activating the parasympathetic nervous system which enables you to focus, be calm, and connect with others. If you can master your ability to relax, then you’ll be able to switch off more readily in downtime and be ready for the job at hand when it comes back to work.


Having a goal to focus on is a prerequisite for being in the flow state. Flow state has been shown to increase productivity way up to 500%. If you’re trying to be productive then focusing will enable this.

COVID-19 and Resilience

During the study, it was shown that COVID-19 correlated with our lowest average resilience rates. However, as we came out of it, the following 6 months showed some of our highest ever ratios of resilience. Many people were more stimulated with adversity which allowed them to bounce back stronger.