Contractors alerted to £2.2bn reservoir development
Thames Water alerts suppliers and investors to next stage of market engagement programme for major new reservoir in Oxfordshire.
Thames Water alerts suppliers and investors to next stage of market engagement programme for major new reservoir in Oxfordshire.
Persimmon Homes has agreed a land purchase from property business Mac Mic Group for a 78-acre development near Dennyloanhead.
Tom Darby joins the nationwide placemaker from family-run property company Bruntwood where he has worked for the past 10 years.
Birchgrove hired the contractor to overhaul the Grade II listed Banstead Place estate in favour of 54 self-contained later-living units.
Peel Ports Clydeport has secured permission for the complete redevelopment of the Hunterston marine yard for major renewables infrastructure.
Housing secretary Angela Rayner has finally granted approval for the redevelopment of the M&S store at Marble Arch.
A massive up to £10 billion construction and development works framework is open for bidding.
BAM has broken ground on a £60 million plus campus redevelopment of Yeovil College, funded by the Department for Education (DfE).
Developer Chancerygate has begun construction on a £27 million, 103,000 sq ft Grade A urban logistics development in West Sussex.
The urban regeneration specialist is partnering with life sciences developer and operator, Lateral, to deliver the Camley Street project.