
Bidding opens for £1bn concrete roads framework


National Highways are proposing a £968 million national framework, to allow the delivery of concrete roads reconstruction schemes.

Credit: National Highways

The Legacy Concrete Roads Reconstruction (LCRR) framework will be delivered over six years from November 2025 to November 2031.

The framework scope for the LCRR framework includes the design and construction of existing concrete pavements, and reconstruction of pavements as part of the plan to reconstruct 644 kilometres of concrete roads.

It will also include design and delivery of temporary traffic management solutions.

Morgan Sindall and SISK are currently carrying out works under the existing LCRR framework, with VolkerFitzpatrick, Colas, Dyer & Butler and Tarmac are carrying out lifecycle extension works.

The LCRR framework will last six years to ensure alignment to and coverage of the RIS3 funding period (2025-30) but also to overlap with the beginning of RIS4 (2030-35) in case of delays in approvals of the strategy or funding for RIS4.

This is a one-off contract and renewals will not be available.

Applications are due back in March, for more information click here.

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