The UK Government has teased an upcoming construction works framework worth up to £80 billion.
The Construction Works and Associated Services framework, including healthcare and offsite solutions, was issued this week by the Cabinet Office, and is set to run over a more than seven-year period.
It will make traditional and MMC services available to government departments and all UK public sector bodies, including Specialist Purpose Vehicles (SPV’s), across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, across the following sectors:
- Health
- Education
- Culture, Media & Sport
- Local Communities & Housing
- Defence & Security
- Infrastructure
- Construction Works and Associated Services – design, manufacture, supply, and installation.
- Offsite Construction Solutions – design, manufacture, supply, delivery, construction, installation, maintenance of temporary/permanent buildings/installations on a hire/purchase basis.
It is understood the framework will be managed by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), which is responsible for procurement on behalf of the government.
Services will be delivered primarily within the UK, but the framework will also contain provisions for some overseas work.
The competition will be open to UK and International suppliers, and all interested organisations are invited to participate in an early market engagement from January 2025.
A formal lotting structure will follow the market engagement with consideration to value, location, and sector.
The framework includes a three-month mobilisation period from contract start date to framework go-live.
“Crown Commercial Service as the contracting authority intends to put in place a pan government collaborative agreement for buyers to access the provision of traditional and modern methods of construction and their associated services in relation to built assets and infrastructure,” a Prior Information Notice reads.
“It is anticipated that Crown Commercial Service will continue partnering with NHSE to deliver the fifth generation of the Procure Framework (P24) for the provision of design and construction solutions for NHS Capital Projects.
“This Prior Information Notice is to signal an intention to commence market engagement with those within the Construction and Offsite Solutions markets.”
Firms interested in attending a market engagement session should email no later than midday on Friday 13 December 2024, ref: FTS 038207-2024.
A Future Opportunity on Contract Finder can be found here.
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