
£1bn Bishopsgate Goodsyard regen moves forward


Property developer Ballymore and real estate operator Hammerson have received approval for two planning applications relating to the £1 billion redevelopment of Bishopsgate Goodsyard, in Shoreditch, London. 

Credit: Ballymore and Hammerson.

The mayor of London granted planning permission for the total overhaul of The Goodsyard in 2022, bringing new residential and commercial space to the 4.5-hectare site. 

Once complete, the redeveloped Goodsyard will feature: 

  • Up to 500 new homes (50 per cent “affordable”) 
  • 1.4 million sq. ft of workspace 
  • A 2.6-acre public park 
  • Restaurants, retail and leisure spaces 
  • Two new cultural spaces – one on Brick Lane, the other in Braithwaite Arches 

The scheme will provide 11,000 new jobs during construction and after completion, including 150 apprenticeships. 

Now, one of the main commercial buildings, which will be above Shoreditch station, has achieved detailed design approval shortly after the restoration of historic buildings on Sclater Street was also green lit. 

Designed by architecture firms Gensler and Buckley Gray Yeoman, the Reserved Matters Applications (RMAs) mark the next stage in the realisation of the Goodsyard.  

The first application will provide 36,000 sqm of workspace, including for SMEs, as well as 600 sqm of retail space fronting Bethnal Green Road and Shoreditch High Street and a new ‘Middle Road’ connecting the fabric of Brick Lane and Shoreditch High Street. 

Designed by Chris Dyson Architects, the Sclater Street application includes the restoration of five derelict buildings, creating retail, café, and co-working spaces with three homes on the upper floors. 

Following a public consultation, the design team developed a façade for the commercial building which is “both sympathetic to the historical character of Shoreditch and reflective of a contemporary aesthetic”.   

Further RMAs will be brought forward for consultation by the Greater London Authority over the coming months.   

“The Goodsyard is one of the last undeveloped sites of scale in central London which has the potential to lead the way in terms of placemaking and holistic regeneration. This proposed workspace building is part of creating a new international destination rooted in a unique and ever-evolving local culture,” said Harry Badham, chief development and asset repositioning officer at Hammerson.   

Credit: Ballymore and Hammerson.

Elsewhere, London’s Knowledge Quarter could see further development including hundreds of new homes as well as business space, following the formation of a joint venture partnership. 

Ballymore, is partnering with life sciences developer and operator, Lateral, to deliver the Camley Street project as part of the Camden Community Investment Programme.    

The “Knowledge Quarter” is an area of King’s Cross where world-leading research and technology institutes and companies have set up.  

It is hoped the completed development will create around 1,000 jobs in the light industrial, life sciences, technology, and digital industries. 

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If you have a tip or story idea that fits with our publication, please contact the news editor rory@wavenews.co.uk 

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