Morgan Sindall has been appointed as the main contractor on a pre-contract services agreement to build a £65 million education campus in Blackpool town centre.

Procured through the Pagabo Framework, the contractor was appointed by Blackpool Council to deliver the Multiversity mixed-use educational development scheme.
The proposed development will include two phases, starting with an education campus followed by future development across the southern end of the site.
The plans aim to deliver up to 32,600 sqm of education and commercial space, starting with the Multiversity building.
Outline approval for the scheme was granted in April 2024, with a reserved matters application to follow this summer.
The campus plans to bring up to 3,000 students and staff to Blackpool town centre and by relocating Blackpool and the Fylde College.
Land for the development is currently being assembled, with the site hoping to offer tram, train and bus services.
The main campus building, designed by Hawkins/Brown, is set to be carbon-neutral with the surrounding area to be landscaped and pedestrianised.
The plan is to lease the multiversity to the college, which aims to directly link to local employment needs, and offering a range of qualifications.
The Multiversity is phase four of Blackpool Council’s £350 million regeneration of the Talbot Gateway area around Blackpool North train station.
Steven Gregory, Morgan Sindall Construction’s North West area director, said: “Once complete, the campus will boost access to advanced skills for Blackpool’s resident and support the town centre’s wider regeneration.
“The Morgan Sindall team is committed to maximising the social and economic value generated during the development.
This will be achieved in a number of ways, such as utilising local contractors and creating a Knowledge Quad to provide training and learning opportunities, such as hosting the Blackpool Community Skills Academy employability programme.”
Councillor Mark Smith, cabinet member for levelling up at Blackpool Council, said: “The Multiversity campus will transform the area around the train station, adding thousands of students to the area which will bring an economic boost to surrounding businesses.
“For a development of this size, we needed a large construction company with a track record in delivering quality education campuses.”
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