
Robertson appoints new senior financial leadership


Robertson Group has announced two new senior finance leadership appointments.

Elliot Robertson, CEO of Robertson Group and member of the CLF. Credit: Robertson Group.

Robertson appointed Irene Wilson and Colin Mitchell as chief financial officer and group finance director, respectively.

Credit: Robertson Group (left to right: Irene Wilson, Eliot Robertson, Colin Mitchell)

Both appointments have been with the Scottish firm for several years, Wilson with 20 years of experience there, most recently as Group Finance Director, before that head of finance at John Wood Group.

 Mitchell spent almost six years working as group finance director in Robertson residential businesses, with previous experience as finance director at Barratt & David Wilson Homes West Scotland. 

This year Robertson reported increased turnover for the year ending 30 June 2023 with £489.5 million compared to £459.7 million in the previous financial period.

Wilson said: “I look forward to continuing to work closely with Elliot and the board as we deliver on our objectives and maintain our position as a partner of choice across the industries where we deliver quality projects and services for our customers.”

Mitchell added: “I look forward to working with other parts of Robertson Group, in addition to the residential businesses, and to leading the finance team to deliver against the strategic objectives.”

Elliot Robertson, Robertson Group chief executive officer, said: “These new appointments follow a period of strategic planning across our family of businesses and further strengthens our financial team”

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