The deadline to apply for a 10-year major road renewal contract in Kent, valued at £400 million, is looming.

Kent County Council (KCC) is advertising for its Road Asset Renewal Contract (RARC) to help manage its pavement assets by replacing deteriorated areas that have reached the end of their useful life.
RARC is the principal delivery method for planned road pavement renewal and reconstruction works across Kent.
Preservation works will also be carried out to prolong the life of areas which are starting to deteriorate, reducing the growth of the council’s road maintenance backlog and preventing future potholes.
The scope of the work typically involves:
- Cold milling of the top layers of the road structure
- Repaving with an asphalt surface and/or binder course
- Adjustments to covers and replacement of road markings and road studs as needed
- Traffic loop replacement for sites approaching traffic signals may be required
Alongside routine works, occasional specialist works are required to respond to unpredictable asset failures, including road collapses, and small to medium sized civils works, schemes, and projects may also be required.
There will be several phases of work across multiple sites throughout the contract period carried out between January and November each year.
The estimated delivery date for the works is 31 July 2034.
Contract value breakdown:
- Initial Term (5 years, or 60 months) totalling £100-125 million
- Optional Extension Term (up to 5 years, or 60 months) totalling £100-125 million
- Total value £200-250 million
The maximum contract value is advertised at £400 million, to allow for potential increases in funding, inflation and unexpected but in-scope spend.
Potential applicants have until 31 July 2024 at 12:00pm.
The procurement documents are available to access for free.
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