
Tilbury Douglas boss has vision of a net zero business


Tilbury Douglas has made progress with its net zero strategy after receiving an industry recognised endorsement.

Credit: Tilbury Douglas

The building, infrastructure, engineering and fit-out business announced it has achieved its carbon neutral accreditation and received its certification from Achilles, the supply chain risk management expert.

The accreditation means the contractor has met the requirements of the net carbon zero certification scheme, having measured its greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with ISO 14064 Part 1 2018.

It also certifies that the business is committed to managing and reducing its emissions, as well as investing in appropriate verified carbon credits to offset the remaining emissions in its operational activities.

Paul Gandychief executive officer at Tilbury Douglas, said: “As a business, we are committed to reducing our impact on the communities in which we work, and it is a great achievement to be net zero in our own operations.

“Our longer-term goal is to be a net zero group, including our wider Scope 3 emissions from our supply chain and end users.”

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