
Morgan Sindall Stevenage leisure contract and social value


Morgan Sindall will deliver a new multi-million-pound leisure centre in Stevenage

rendering of morgan sindall project
Credit: Morgan Sindall
by Rory Butler /  March 21, 2023

The firm’s Northern Home Counties business has been appointed by Stevenage Borough Council (SBC) to the new Stevenage Sports and Leisure Hub on St George’s Way.

Procured via SCAPE’s National Construction Framework, the project is part of wider regeneration plans funded by the Government’s Town’s Fund.

The new centre will consolidate Stevenage’s health and wellbeing offering, currently spread across three sites, with new swimming, studio, gym and sports facilities.

The facilities will be highly insulated and have systems to reduce running costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

At least 30% of the contract value will be reinvested in local communities.

“We understand the value of community leisure facilities and how they can act as a springboard for better physical and mental health outcomes,” said David Rowsell for Morgan Sindall.

“Stevenage Sports and Leisure Hub will be a new focal point for the town. Having a new state-of-the-art facility with the whole health and wellbeing offering under one roof, will encourage greater levels of participation in sport, delivering improvements to quality of life across Stevenage.”

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