
Griffiths Farrans JV appointed to East Midlands roads project


National Highways has appointed Griffiths Farrans Joint Venture (GFJV) as the main contractor to deliver the final phase of major highway improvements in Nottingham. 

Nottingham street scene.
by Rory ButlerJanuary 5, 2023

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The JV will design and construct the remaining two junctions of the A52 at Nottingham Knight and Wheatcroft, as part of an A52 Improvement Project. 

The scheme is part of the UK Government’s Road Investment Strategy announced in 2014, to improve several junctions along the A52, including signalisation and reconstruction. 

Previously improved junctions: 

  • Nottingham Road and Cropwell Road 
  • Bingham, Stragglethorpe, Silverdale 
  • Gamston 
Credit: Farrans

“We have been active in the area for a number of years now and we are pleased to have built collaborative relationships with key stakeholders in the area,” said Steve Haviland, Partnership Leader at GFJV.  

“We look forward to continuing these relationships to deliver a positive lasting impact through jobs, skills and apprenticeships, working with our local supply chain partners, supporting schools and charitable organisations.” 

Works are expected to start in September 2024 and finish in 2026/27. 

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