
100th signature for CIOB’s Diversity & Inclusion Charter


The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) launched its Diversity & Inclusion Charter in 2021 which asks businesses to sign up to five key commitments to foster a more diverse and inclusive workspace.

diverse group of people linking arms
by Richard Allan /  October 27, 2022

100 companies in the industry have signed the diversity and inclusion charter created by the CIOB

Launched in 2021, the charter asks businesses to sign up to five key commitments to foster a more diverse and inclusive workspace. Commitments include the following:

  1. Show leadership
  2. Make a plan
  3. Shape the culture
  4. Be transparent
  5. Be accountable

We caught up with Mark Harrison, Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at CIOB last month and he said that “research has shown that companies that have a genuine commitment to being inclusive and diverse are better equipped to anticipate the different needs of service users. Better at decision-making, avoiding ‘groupthink’. Staff have higher rates of satisfaction because they’re valued for their contributions. Not judged on their personal characteristics. This means higher rates of productivity and lower staff turnover.”

Laing O’Rourke became the 100th company to sign the charter after a linear growth path since launching last year. Other companies signed up are:

  • Mace
  • Willmott Dixon
  • BAM
  • Galliard Homes
  • Wates

In the UK, women make up around 15% of the construction workforce, with 2% of those working on-site. With people from BAME backgrounds making up only 6% of the workforce. Numbers that we badly need to change!

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